Wednesday, May 20, 2009


halo kawan! hari ini saya mau nge post tentang besok hahahaha jadi gini, bsk saya akan pergi nonton konser BRING ME THE HORIZON hehehe tapi harus ada ijin nykp dulu nih hahahahahahaha gua bingung hrs ngmg apa nih ahaha kyknya sih boleh, tp takuut kalo ga boleh. gua pengen deh ntn konser ini soalnya udah lama engga ahahah lagian gua kan udh selesai ujian dan masa sekolah HABIS ahahahahahahahahah jadi ga berurusan sm labschooldog lagi hehe sori pak! kalo ada yg pny usul spy gua bisa nntn bmth, comment yaaa! hahahaha bye!

Monday, May 11, 2009


beh cuy apakabar? bosen rasanya kali ini.. makanya nulis2 yg ga penting hehe. minggu depan gua mau UAS disuruh belajar lagi deh hahaha males. yg penting uan udah selesai hehe.oh iya gua disini cm mau ngasitau lo semua, kalo gua iseng bikin design kaos baru nih, udah lama sih hehehe tp cukup lumayan ko hahaha. kalo ada yg berminat untuk bantu nyetak ato setidaknya bantu usul tentang design selanjutnya, hubungi gua aja oke hahaha
ngmg2 designnya ada diatas itu hehe. berminat? comment ato hubungi gua yaaaa!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mantra Of Judas - When Love Become Precious *lyric


You’ll be safe here

Between my ribs

I’ll keep this distance, keep away from you

Did you see?, I’m standing here as your gate

Hold from something, something that you don’t realize

We are disbanded from the other

I will try my best, to reach you, and save you

When the sky is watching, protect us from above

I’ll take you gladly

As I give my smile to you, around your hair into your heartbeat

(My smile through your heart)

It’s about my feel, not wrest

Sky will smile, represent me to tell my feel that you don’t know

Forgiving you to the moon

How much I could share my life for you

I hope you think of me, always, forever

Live my life baby, it’s our turn to show it

I’m who want affection, and embrace,

Will always keep you in my..


By : muhammad arifkenzo alif adhisatrio